‘European agricultural fund for rural development: Europe investing in rural areas’
The operation entitled ‘Establishing a company in the tourism sector – Białowieża Wildlife Services’ aimed at creating a company in the tourism sector and a new job via selfemployment is cofinanced by European Union funds under the measure ‘Support for local development of the LEADER initiative’ sub-measure ‘Support for the implementation of operations under the community-led local development strategy’ of the Rural Development Programme 2014-2020.
Expected results of operation: creation of a job and the introduction of new services to the market, including guided tours for tourists focusing on nature-related themes.
Join a tour around the last old-growth forest in Europe

I’m Tom, a biologist living in Białowieża Forest in eastern Poland. I have a PhD from Warsaw University on how wolves shape ecosystems. My latest research project entails exploring how people and wolves shape beaver impacts on trees.
Poland has a rich natural heritage. Here you can find the kind of nature that has been wiped out over time in western Europe. Through my scientific work I aim to contribute a little towards unlocking its ecological secrets.
Few English sources show Polish wildlife to the world. Hence my website documents stories I encounter about the wolves and wildlife inhabiting Poland. I hope you’ll find it useful. Perhaps in this small way I can help society keep a hold of its few remaining wild places for future generations.