Our new paper: Badgers remain fearless in the face of simulated wolf presence near their setts

Badgers remain fearless in the face of simulated wolf presence near their setts. So suggests our new paper published today in the journal Ecology & Evolution. In this study we investigated whether badgers vary their denning behaviour after perceiving wolves near their setts. We wanted to explore whether the transient presence of wolves shapes badger […]
Wolves in Białowieża Forest

How are the wolves in Białowieża Forest and where can they be found? These are the most common questions I get asked by visitors to the forest. The wolves here are some of the best studied in the world, making the answers to these questions lengthy but fascinating. In this article I’ll run you through […]
The private life of wolves

We have more in common with wolves than meets the eye. And I’ve always felt that if more people knew this, it could help transform public opinion, making the species far easier to protect. But as it is, accurate accounts of these mysterious animals remain rare. This piece on the intimate private lives of wolves […]
The Wolf – Our research

We were recently overjoyed to hear that the Polish National Science Centre is to fund our further study of how wolves affect European ecosystems. This work will be a continuation of the now world-famous research coming out of Yellowstone National Park, where it was well established that the reintroduction of wolves repaired long lost ecological […]
The Wolf – Natura 2000

I’ve spent the last year or so writing my Master’s thesis on wolf conservation. The project was a resounding success, and today the paper reporting the results was finally published in PLOS ONE. So a big shout out to my colleagues at the Association for Nature ‘Wolf’ the Conservation Genetics group and the Mammal Research […]
An Introduction to Wolves in Poland

Wildlife conservation is not known for its success stories. But in Europe, little noticed, we’re living through a most remarkable event in natural history: the return of large carnivores to our forests. These most iconic animals, the wolf, bear, lynx and wolverine were over centuries pushed to the verge of extinction through relentless persecution. This […]
Wolves in Poland. Where can we find them?

Wolves in Poland have recovered remarkably over the past decade, with around 1500 of them now inhabiting the country. Only a few years ago wolves inhabited only the remote eastern forests and southern mountains. They can now be found all over Poland, even in woodlands adjacent to dense urban areas. Wolf populations in Poland Wolves […]
The Wolf – A Short History

Deep in Europe’s forests, wolves are beginning to thrive once again. Some 1,500 now of these fantastic beasts now grace Poland, up from just 60 in the 1970s. But this remarkable recovery was never guaranteed: if our ancestors had succeeded in their ambitions there would be no wolves left at all. In this post I’ll […]