Poland’s exclusion zone on the Belarusian border suspends normal life for residents

Amid unprecedented numbers of migrants crossing its border, the Polish government has established an exclusion zone along its eastern frontier, barring entry to non-residents, journalists and humanitarian NGOs. These unprecedented restrictions have led to a feeling of helplessness in many residents as their normal life is suspended. Despite a recent supreme court ruling that the […]
How the Jodłówka Manor reflects the Białowieża region’s dramatic 20th century history

Hidden in a glade on the outskirts of Białowieża Forest stands a piece of local heritage: a charming abandoned manor whose history is deeply intertwined with the region’s dramatic 20th century. Here follows its story. The manor’s origins The historical landscape in which the manor lies befits the tale. Here a Polish-Belarusian civilisation lives amongst […]
The First News covered me, wolves and Białowieża Forest

I recently had an interview with Stuart Dowell from The First News, an English language news magazine about Poland. He wrote a very nice piece about me, wolves and Białowieża Forest. If you’re interested in any of these, you can check it out here 🙂
The story and science behind the legal battle to save Europe’s last primeval forest

Białowieża Forest in northeastern Poland is the last of the vast primeval forest that once stretched across the European lowlands. Strictly protected for centuries by royalty as a private hunting ground, it is now a living museum of ancient natural processes replete with species extinct elsewhere. But the serenity of this fairy-tale forest has recently […]
The Wolf – A Short History

Deep in Europe’s forests, wolves are beginning to thrive once again. Some 1,500 now of these fantastic beasts now grace Poland, up from just 60 in the 1970s. But this remarkable recovery was never guaranteed: if our ancestors had succeeded in their ambitions there would be no wolves left at all. In this post I’ll […]