‘European agricultural fund for rural development: Europe investing in rural areas’

The operation entitled ‘Establishing a company in the tourism sector – Białowieża Wildlife Services’ aimed at creating a company in the tourism sector and a new job via selfemployment is cofinanced by European Union funds under the measure ‘Support for local development of the LEADER initiative’ sub-measure ‘Support for the implementation of operations under the community-led local development strategy’ of the Rural Development Programme 2014-2020.

Expected results of operation: creation of a job and the introduction of new services to the market, including guided tours for tourists focusing on nature-related themes.

Message me using the contact form if seeking a guide in Białowieża Forest


Nature stories from Poland

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About me

I'm a wolf ecologist in eastern Poland. For the past 6 years I've lived in Europe's last primeval woodland, Białowieża Forest. My PhD entailed studying the impact of wolves on the behaviour of medium sized carnivores. I'm also an avid reader of natural and human history.

Over the years I have come to know the forest inside out. This website shares what I've learned. Here you can read about plants, animals and people. Their tales span from the times of ancient kings to those of the modern populists.

Soon I plan to begin running eco-tours around eastern Poland's natural areas.

Articles from the blog
